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Teaching Series Day Eight – Video #8


Updated: Dec 19, 2022

  • Un-Constitutional corporate “government” controls resulting in loss of rights and freedom for the American people.

  • Requirement for the American people to fully engage in using and applying the power and authority of the original organic Constitution to regain lost rights and restore Constitutionally-compliant government.

  • Discussion of existing un-Constitutional actions and problems in schools at all levels and how the American people can use the power and authority of the original organic Constitution to lawfully retake their schools and lawfully remove the traitors.

  • Discussion of the purported numbers of genders in schools, grooming of children and the push for transgenderism, and what the people need to do to stop this vile exploitation of America’s children.

  • Discussion of the Frankfurt School and how that communist ideology was transferred to Columbia University and to other American universities which resulted in widespread communist indoctrination throughout America’s entire system of academics.

  • Discussion of David Icke who was banned from 26 European countries for speaking truth.

  • Economic Violence and how the communist corporate U.S. “government” has diabolically inflicted that upon the American people.

  • In politics, nothing happens by accident.

  • There are no “heroes” who will swoop out of nowhere to save America. It is all up to the people and this responsibility has been entrusted to them by true Spirit.

  • America was to be the world’s beacon of freedom, but that noble role was subverted by communism and the traitors within American corporate “governments” and institutions who surreptitiously inserted it into every facet of American life.

  • Full discussion of the implications of the un-Constitutional, duplicitous Section 1 of the 14th Amendment and how that has egregiously affected American Citizens.

  • Additional discussion of the fraudulent 1871 corporate CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, and the treasonous Congresses, presidents and bureaucrats who have maintained it ever since.

Discussion of free speech guaranteed in the First Amendment.

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Mar 05, 2024

Please stick to what you know and have real evidence not extrapolation. Everyone is soon gonna die and where jack and margie live the air is fresher inside than the outside pollution? what? Anyway this class is great just amazing thank you so much!!!!!!


Equitis Singularis
Equitis Singularis
Dec 16, 2023

God Bless you Mel for having the Santa sized sack to have these guardian angels on! It tells you how many shills there are! Michelle Melendez of Blossom Inner Wellness brought them to me. I only wish I knew about these last year when they came out! Good health to you all and great thanks!!


Don Faulkner
Don Faulkner
Jun 15, 2023

This is the3rd and final version of a document I created in 2016. the night before a pretty serious court appearance. On the way to the courtroom, I took it to the county recorder's office and had it recorded on the face of the record. That makes it an Official Instrument of Commerce. I've lost one case representing myself since then. Currently nine and one before the bench. You should be able to copy, paste and print this,Fill in the blanks, and have it notarized and recorded onto the record.


Affidavit of Status of a freeborn, flesh and blood man/woman, born on the land of _____________ State. “to-wit,” Comes now affiant____, being over the…


Rev. Ken Shostad
Rev. Ken Shostad
Feb 13, 2023

You stated that no one want to take this on, or something to that effect. I'm learning this as fast as I can and WILL be using it ALL to take these EVIL FREAKS out of office so that they will do no more harm...

I'm ready and willing to take them ALL on and take them ALL out of office, will be learning this and absorbing the knowledge therein...


Jan 01, 2023

Hello, Day 8 exhibit 24 is missing from the downloads (1 hr 1 min mark.) It is also not included in your dropbox link you created for us a few days back. (thanks for creating btw) I checked on the Day 9 video as well to see if there are any missing exhibits and there are not! :)

Thanks again..

Jan 15, 2023
Replying to

there were a few more that were missing - here is a FULL list of exhibits.


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