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Teaching Series Day Four – Video #4


Updated: Dec 19, 2022

Jack and Margy’s website and contact information presented onscreen.

  • Title and cover of our book, “ByPass the Banks”, presented onscreen with brief discussion of what the book contains.

If you want to purchase the book, link here: Barnes and Noble and Amazon

  • Jack and Margy’s “Presumptive Letter” discussed and fully explained.

  • Jack and Margy’s Affidavit Process discussed and fully explained.

  • Presumptive paragraphs explained in detail.

Affidavit Example explained.

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Dec 12, 2023
Rated 1 out of 5 stars., Im 1/2 through also and Vimeo wont allow access to the series now. Help!!!


Equitis Singularis
Equitis Singularis
Dec 11, 2023


Please repost Mel, I am half way through! Willing to host on my site as a back up.


Aug 03, 2023

Since the process that produced the corporate CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES was not conducted pursuant to the mandates of the original Constitution, then, that entire process and everything that came from it was and still is un-Constitutional, thus, unlawful. As I said before, the congress had previously taken an oath to the original Constitution of 1787 as amended in 1791 with The Bill of Rights. Thus, that congress committed treason by creating a treasonous Constitution to deceive and control the American people, which every congress and every president has done since then. Therefore, they all committed treason, without exception, and all public officers take their oaths to this counterfeit corporate CONSTITUTION, thus, also commit treason. Going by the num…


Aug 02, 2023

First, there was no lawful Constitutional authority for the congress to change the original Constitution for the united states of America, whatsoever. Further, the congress did not follow the necessary process for making any type of change to the original Constitution as set forth in that original Constitution, to which they had all sworn oaths. The congress did not apprise the people, who are the true de jure government of their intentions to make any changes, thus the change was done without the CONSENT of the people. This also violated the mandates of the original Constitution. The actions of the 41st Congress conducted in 1871 by which the congress, WITHOUT ANY LAWFUL AUTHORITY, UNCONSTITUTIONALLY ABANDONED OUR REPUBLIC AND CREATE…

Aug 05, 2023
Replying to

Hi Decker, I hope this helps. We have to change our thinking when we apply the Supreme Law of the Land. Being supreme, there is nothing for it, or us to prove... You never win when you are on the defensive. I do not know if you have watched the whole series, but the key is the oath. You must hold all public servants to their oath, and they must comply to it. They run from God's law like vampires from holy water and it is just as deadly to these children of the father of lies.

So in and out of court, the fact that all law that violates the supreme law is null and void is the key.…


Aug 01, 2023

How you prove the constitution of 1871 is un-constitutional?


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